We are very fortunate to welcome Samani Bhavit Pragya ji and Samani Sangh Pragya ji to the JVBNA center. An intimate and casual Swagat Samaroh for Samanijis was organized on Saturday, April 5, and was hosted by Sampath ji and Dolores ji Jain in their home. The program started with Namokar Mantra and Disha Shuddhi Mantra Jaap led by Samanijis. On behalf of JVBNA, President Madhumita Sacheti formally welcomed Samanijis, introduced them to the audience, and expressed hope for a spiritually enriching year under Samanijis’ guidance. Thereafter, all those present welcomed and introduced themselves and their families to Samanijis. JVBNA Chairman Pratap ji Jain welcomed Samanijis and spoke about the importance of encouraging participation from the younger generation. Samani Bhavit Pragya ji and Samani Sangh Pragyaji spoke and blessed everyone. They stressed on the importance of regular satsang, swadhyay, and meditation. Program ended with Mangal Path and was followed by lunch.