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Path of Ahimsa, Mahavir Jayanti, Akshay Tritiya, Tribute to Gurus April 27th, 2024

JVBNA NJ Celebrated Path Of Ahimsa – Mahavir Jayanti, Akshay Tritiya & Tribute to Gurus,  under the guidance and presence of Samani Samatva Pragyaji & Samani Abhay Pragyaji on Saturday, April 27th, 2024.

The event was inaugurated by Namaskar Mahamantra chanted by Samanijis. Cultural celebration included an interactive skit with its theme being Jainism teachings for our day-to-day problems. This celebration was enhanced by a melodious song in the glory of Bhavwan Mahavir, Bhagwan Adinath and our gurus written and composed by Samani Samatva Pragyaji & Samani Abhay Pragyaji. The captivating sight of cultural presentation was the the soulful performance in the form of a dance on Mahavir Bhagwan by ladies members of the sponsoring family – Utsav Group and a beautifully embraced dance on Tapasvi anumodna by Gyanshala students. Added to this was a talent showcase through a skit – Path of Ahimsa, a wonderful play highlighting Mahavir Bhagwan’s teaching. The event concluded with a much awaited blissful pravachan by Samanijis on Mahavir Jayanti and Akshay Tritiya as well as felicitation of Varshi Tapasvis.

Pratiti Dugad