Samani Kamalpragyaji & Samani Karunapragyaji from New Jersey were invited to present their lecture at the 22nd Biennial JAINA Convention 2023 organized from June 30 to July 3rd, at Lakeland, Florida.
On the inaugural day, Samanijis recited Navkaar Maha Mantra and chanted Laghushanti Paath. Samani Nirdeshika Kamalpragyaji presented a very interesting lecture on “Unlocking the power of within” which was moreover impactful with visual Power Point presentation. She elaborated on some tips how to identify and explore the power hidden within oneself & achieve the same.
Many JVBNJ families attended Samani Kamalpragyaji’s lecture and had a blissful experience hearing them on the platform of Jaina convention.