On December 13th, 2015 under the auspicious guidance of respected Samani Satya Pragyaji & Samani Rohini Pragyaji, JVBNJ Gyanshala students, parents, and teachers conducted a holiday drive by supplying daily hygiene items to Ozanam Family shelter located in Edison, NJ.
The children were also given a tour of the shelter. The sight of big families living in small square of room with just one bunk bed and a closet was disconcerting. Younger group of Gyanshala students were brimming with curiosity, and asked questions such as: “Do the children living in shelter go to school?, Do they get to eat ice creams and hot chocolate? Do they get medical help when needed?” and many more!! The insights gained at the shelter were heartwarming and emotional.
It was indeed a humbling experiences to be cherished when Gyanshala students faced this part of world as well and realized the Jain belief that “Sharing is caring”, and facts about aparigraha and Samabhavana . Children also realized that some help and gestures can go long way for some people in need and to make their lives better. Thus, by means of Gyanshala Holiday drive, Gyanshala students had a wonderful opportunity to practice their Jain spirits during the holiday season and hope to make this into a tradition in the near future.