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Genetic Science and Karma Feb 26, 2023

JVBNA NJ organized an interactive pravachan session on Genetic Science and Karma led by Samani Chaitanya Pragyaji and Samani Him Pragyaji on Feb 26, 2023 at the CPPM. The session began with soothing preksha meditation led by Samani Him Pragyaji. This was followed by Samani Chaitanya Pragyaji’s lecture on the topic of the day. Samaniji discussed seven levels that help understand life as a whole including body, breath, vital energy, mind, emotions, karma, consciousness and their mutual relationships. Samaniji also discussed how leshya is formed and what is implied by conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds in the context of Jain philosophy. She touched upon genetic science and how parallels can be drawn between this field and Jain philosophy. Many questions were asked, discussed and answered. The lecture was very well received by in person and online attendees.
Please click on the following link to watch the program on YouTube –

Pratiti Dugad