Akshay Tritiya was celebrated in the auspicious presence of Samani Shukla Pragyaji and Samani Unnata Pragyaji, on May 2, 2015, at the Six Mile Run Church in Franklin Park, NJ.
Namokar Mantra Jaap by all attendees, and led by Samanijis, marked the beginning of a melodious event. Masters of ceremony Ankita Jain and Dipali Jain expertly led the audience through the program of the day. Mangalacharan by Kamalji Daga, set the mood for the Bhajan competition. The Chairman of JVBNA, Shri Pratapji Jain formally welcomed Samani Shukla Pragyaji and Samani Unnata Pragyaji, and shared important information regarding the presence of Samanijis at the JVBNA center.
The second edition of the Gyanshala magazine was launched with the blessings of Samanijis and under the successful teamwork of Reena Bothra, Supriya Bothra and Prachi Shah (coordinator of Gyanshala), teachers and students, and with support from Madhumita Sacheti.
The 13 participants of the Bhajan competition – children and adults alike – set forth a very difficult task for the judges – Samani Shukla Pragyaji, Kamal ji Daga, and Sanjay ji Jain. The Bhajan competition winners were Manasi Sulakshana, in first place, and Natasha Modi in the 2nd.
The pravachan by Samani Unnata Pragyaji started off with a recitation of a poem by Acharya Mahapragyaji, about ”Mann”, keeping the course of the theme of the evening, followed by Jaap of Om Rhim Shrim, Arham Rishabh Devayo Namah!
Samani Shukla Pragyaji’s pravachan started off with a stotra, and her discourse focused on how great you can be simply by your deeds, as no one is born great. She also spoke about being aware of our every action, something which is very important. She prescribed four capsules for a happy life: control your tongue, control your senses, control your desires, and control your emotions.
The evening came to a blessed ending with Mangal Path by Samanijis.