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Akshay Tritiya – “Path of Ahimsa”- May 10, 2014

Akshay Tritiya, one of the most auspicious functions of Jainism, was celebrated with numerous cultural programs on May 10, 2014 by JVBNA at Six Mile Run Church. It was celebrated with a theme throughout the event: “Path of Ahimsa”. Along with the celebration, Samani Bhavit Pragyaji and Samani Sangh Pragyaji were formally welcomed to JVBNA by Mr. Pratap Jain, chairman of JVBNA.

The cultural program, which focused on the meaning of Akshay Tritiya, was presented by Supriya Bothra as master of ceremony. The essence of Akshay Tritiya was portrayed in different forms such as play, dance and musical parody. The program was formally started with Navkar Mantra by Samanijis and bhajan by Shilpa Bhansali. It was also the first introduction of the Gyanshala Magazine spearheaded by Supriya Bothra and Reena Bothra. Gyanshala magazine is a collection of Gyanshala students’ poems, articles, and drawings on Jainism. The song, “Ikshu Ras Ka Kiya Parna” was performed as a ladies group dance. A bhajan by Sunil Bothra, Kamal Daga, Mrs.Rajsena Bothra, Sushma Sodhia, and Vandana Jain on Akshay Tritya parody was performed. The highlight of the program – a skit, Yatra Yoglik Yug Ki, directed by Samani Sangh Pragyaji – was enjoyed by an audience of more than 200 people.

JVBNA made several announcements: Mr. Pratap Jain and Mr. Nagji Vira made an announcement about the new property for JVBNA center. Mr. Mool Singhi paid a tribute to late Siddharaj ji Bhandari who was a lifelong member of JVBNA. Mr. Yogesh Jain formally welcomed new attendees at the function. Ms. Shweta Daftary spoke about upcoming events including the family camp.

Samanji Bhavit Pragyaji’s pravachan was based on the theme “Path of Ahimsa”. In her pravachan, she incorporated several examples of himsa and ahimsa and how we can incorporate them into our daily lives. She provided few examples such as Samvatsaran, where all creatures can learn to coexist peacefully together. What happens to our minds and bodies when we experience peace, anger, and jealousy? She mentioned we should make more effort to create healthy habits and eliminate unhealthy habits in our daily routines. Perfect example of healthy habits is Gandhi, he incorporated these values in his daily life. If we learn how to incorporate these values, it’s not only our mind that gets affected, it affects our health as well.

SAMAR, South Asian Marrow Association of Recruiters’ representatives came to Akshay Tritya to explain the importance of community involvement for bone marrow donation. Since the Asian community is small in numbers compared to the general population, it’s difficult for patients of Asian descent to find a match. Many eligible members registered as donors with SAMAR.

Mangal Path by Samanijis marked the end of the program and was followed by dinner.

madhumita sacheti